Issues in the Hemp Industry
Colorado is one of the states that have legalized hemp production. However, there are some issues that have arisen. One issue is that the Colorado Department of Agriculture does not have the authority to regulate hemp through the final product. This means that there are confusing standards for how much THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) can be in a hemp plant at any given time during the manufacturing process. There is also a lot of confusion about what kinds of products can be made from hemp.
Colorado's hemp industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as more states legalize hemp production and more companies begin to use hemp in their products.

How We Can Help
Our attorneys are experienced in handling cases related to the growing, processing, and selling of hemp. We understand the state laws and regulations surrounding the hemp industry, and can help clients navigate the often complex legal landscape. Whether you're looking to start a hemp farm, processing facility, or retail business, a hemp attorney can provide valuable guidance and assistance.